A small cloud of smoke surrounded me last day in the bus.I got choked and finally was relieved after several bouts of severe coughing. I realized it was just that a man sitting beside me had excreted his cigarette's unabsorbed waste products.I was quite amazed to find people smoking with so much frolic and thinking it to be a symbol of charisma .They seem absolutely oblivious about it's ill effects .Though practically all efforts to stop smoking has been in vain new efforts are made every single day.The main problem is that people who smoke not only harm or practically murder their lungs also have a great hand in stabbing or injuring others lungs by passive smoking.The banning of cigarettes in Bollywwood Industry has been put forward by the government so that nobody imitates or tries to take the example of film stars.But modern day youth believes in setting examples rather than following pre-existing ones.Cancers can be kept at bay, Asthma literally wiped out,hea...
"The time is out of Joint, O'cursed spite , that I was born to set it right..."