The annual sports the St. Xavier's Collegiate School is perhaps one of the biggest athletics meet that is held in the city.The school organizes the annual sports every year in the month of December.This year the schedule was almost the same.The march past practice starts from about the mid November and also the practicing of our very own band to play the marching beats.The march past practices will perhaps top the student's "Most Hated" list and each and everybody cooks up their own stories to escape the practice.Even with such negative approach each year the event comes of quite well and this year was no different.As far as me getting involved in the sports I am athletically challenged but the spirit is very much alive and is bubbly with excitement before every Sports.On the noon of the 10th of December our Annual Sports commenced.This year the chief guest was our one time college student .Roosaie Jijibhuoy who was a former Team India player and a common face in the ...
"The time is out of Joint, O'cursed spite , that I was born to set it right..."