Its not about Partying, Pissing or even panting in the Summers.....Its more of what you call you know what...Yes The Ramblings of my little heart somehow goes Pitter - patter at her sight but well I know like she doesn't feel so...Its more of being In an excitable state the love rather overcomes infatuation but well life sucks .Some has in Orkut "The Gravity Is all Shit....Its The earth Tat Sux"Rite he is absolutely perfect but then again it goes on....In 11 its more of a rat race which if you win you will be eligible for one more rat race and if you are not eligible you get kicked out...Hey that should not be the way...I am a simple person but I might just have an ambition the size of a Sky Scraper...Well unrealistic in today's world but very much is one of the sad days in the life of many Xaverians....Yes Yes Mr.B K Ganguli has retired I have not been fortunate enough to be taught by him but from what i have heard he was an excitable prospect....
"The time is out of Joint, O'cursed spite , that I was born to set it right..."