About a decade it would be that I can remember…..1998 Hyderabad…Separation from friends, family and my school CBS…..Then 1999 …..The nostalgia…the coming back to the city…The real touch of near and dear ones once again…Uncle's Marriage…. Xavier's…and a computer..2000 began with our new flat , followed my recognition in Xavier's and then the following three years passed by with guitar and other simple subtleties of life…Then began class 9 , my first tution..(English)…exposed me to a teacher who for the first time made me love the subject much more…made me much more passionate about the subject and yes! I not only respected her as a teacher but loved her too…And even today she is a very important figure in my growing years… For the first time I was exposed to the outer world….To a new environment where the shy, somewhat timid and introvert Abhishek changed completely….I had many friends in school…but may be those were more of companions and mates rather than what you call fri...
"The time is out of Joint, O'cursed spite , that I was born to set it right..."