Radhika and Rishab knew nothing about love. Both carefree and simple, believed that love was for the losers. Career, marks, success is what you love, how can you love a person? Love was just a four letter word for them. It meant nothing more than any other four letter word. It was when Radhika left for UK, that Rishab realised the true meaning of love. He realised that it was real and after a point nothing else matters but the person who you want to be with, nothing smells sweeter than the hair, more refreshing than the touch, more inspiring than those words... Time went on and with days Rishab and Radhika found success.... 18 years later... At Delhi Airport they met again, Radhika was with a young girl, she was still very beautiful, at least that wouldn't change for Rishab ever, but age did catch up. The pink had been replaced with a sombre green, the kohl now a couple of shades lighter, the shades ...
"The time is out of Joint, O'cursed spite , that I was born to set it right..."