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Showing posts from January, 2006
The Real film for the youth.Mani Did A Wonderful Job And HAving a kOlkatan background I am writing after all Not confuse This with a Advertisement.Mr. Mani Ratnam IS not paying me for this.but stilll he rocked...Some Mani's Don't But this one did


Tell me not of your horrid numbers Life is but an empty dream For the stupid fool that slumbers Does not receive marks as they seem Marks are real Teachers crue lAnd to make you fail their goal Marks thou need and marks returnst Thats needed in the school. Not lend neither borrow Your destined end or way But to cheat so that each tomorrow Finds you farther than today Chits are long Time is fleeting And make your hearts and stout and brave Still like muffled drums are beating And thats when u march towards father's grave In world's broad field of testz In the bivouc of marks Be not be like dumb pests BE a hero in the cribbling work. Trust no teacher however pleasant :Let the conscience bury its dead Act -Act in the living present Chits within and hands overhead Lives of foolish cheaters all remind us We can make our life sublime And departing leave behind us Evidence that wud destroy thine Evidence that perhaps another Sailing over testz solemn maim A forlom stupid jealous broth...
WELL THINGS YOU WANTED TO SAY BUT THOUGHT OTHERWISE...........USE IT THIS WAY MAY BE IT EUPHEMISM MAY BE WORSE THAN IT............................................. 1. And your crybaby whiny opinion would be...? 2. Do I look like a people person? 3. I started out with nothing & still have most of it left. 4. I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me. 5. If I throw a stick, will you leave? 6. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed. 7 . Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't fallen asleep yet. 8. I thought I wanted a caree r, turns out I just wanted paychecks. 9. Too man y freaks, not enou gh circuses. 10. Chaos, p anic, & disorder - my work here is done. 11. I plead contemporary insanity. 12. And which dwarf are you? 13. How do I set a laser printer to stun? 14 .Meandering to a different drummer. 15. Ahhh...I see the fuck-up fairy has visited us again... 16 . How about never? Is never good for you? 17. I see you've ...


When I entered into the auditorium of St.Xavier's Collegiate School.the Rangotsav had just started.The first sound that I heard were ear splitting shouts of "XAVIERS XAVIERS" and then began the program. The judges had come from all the turns and corners of the acting industry some good orators other anchors of the television. The rangotsav is one of the biggest inter school drama competitions and this was its third year.The first two times it was Xaviers that gave the other schools the run for their money and emerged comprehensive winners and so a lot was expected from them. "Devi or sanjano let us present Rangotsav tritiye" said MC Rahul De a student of Xaviers and also the son of our beloved geography teacher.The show was exquisite starting with the Loreto's and Birla High's and ending with Xavier's and La Marts for Boys.The topics were vast some about female infanticide ,some on the dirt in politics ,some on the false sense of secularism while oth...

Music is the melody of life�.

Music is the melody of life, the rhythm of living, the passion of going on. The worshippers of music, the preachers of music, the Divine Goddess of music are not only respected throughout the world but also are one the most beloved personalities in the world. The break dance of Michael Jackson to the folk songs of Denver, from the rhythm of Norah Jones to the melody of Beatles make them one of those great artists who walk, talk and speak music. The rap of Eminem to the heart throbbing music of Britney Spears, the fast tunes of Elvis Priestley to the absolutely fascinating Celine Dion are all the best students of Music of the west. Talking of eastern music one cannot forget the haunting melodies of Kishore ,the sensational tunes of Lata and the lovely rhythm of Md.Rafi and the rising stars like Abhijeet, Sonu Nigam and the great musical genius the scintillating Rehman.The upcoming bands like Aasman and Strings to the "Sayeeoni" of Junoon ,"Rock the party...