Names! Sounds familiar well it’s the welcoming news of the most awaited "thing" in West Bengal. Of course from the utterance of those "Ja Debi Sarba Bhuteshu" on that "Mahalaya" dawn as if the bells start ringing, the sky, the trees winds and creatures big and small utter that "MA" is coming. Its time____________for celebrations, the mesmerizing conch shells, proliferating 'kashfuls', blossoming buds spread the aroma of arrival.The atmosphere itself is intoxicating. Absolutely fascinating and perhaps too great to explain with mere words.For those who are in Kolkata it’s a continuation of the previous year. For those away its nostalgia and for the fresher its amazement.After all it is a once in a year experience and a humungus piece of joy happiness continue to swell up inside that bosom of yours. As if the very air we inhale smells of those incense sticks, the mellifluous sound of the dhak beats and mantra together make a rocking combination.Pious or not a sense of reverence rises in every mans heart. Exciting thought, irrelevant ideas creep up in the young minds and fun becomes a forte, seriousness passĂ©----------------------Yes! Kolkata becomes god's own world for the five daysThe welcome note also reminds us of the melancholic flute of farewell,the departure sheds as much tears as the smiles brought by the arrival itself but for bengalis it one thing --------"Ma Asche"Even for the most unfortunate bong, the dark wrinkles of his face, the gnawing grief of his heart shall disappear into an enlightened countanence.A face of hope a face of reverence a face of a new day a feeling that can only be felt by a true"Babu Moshay"...