BYE BYE IN DI AN CRICKET It has contributed a bouquet of sports channels that are doing brisk business. They have generated many jobs and perked up the Indian economy that is on the Right Track with 8% growth, unlike Indian cricket that has been waylaid by Bangladeshis… It has made cricketers the brand ambassadors of the nation as well as of various colas, cars, colas, cars and sometimes shampoo, soap or polio vaccine and have been able to reach these products to the remotest corners of the country thereby bringing in development and hugely boosting the sale of batteries for TVs sets in villages that don’t have electricity…… It has give us Mandira Bedi .It has given us Navjot Singh Sidhu.It has given us Sehwag ki Ma. It has given a new lease of life to ex- Ranji players who always dreamed of making it to the Test team but never could, but are now employed as coaches in cricket camps in...
"The time is out of Joint, O'cursed spite , that I was born to set it right..."