Well I had to read this on the influence of a friend who kept pestering me a lot..but i would not as i had heard lots of warning about it...Most told me its too disturbing and gross but well i would still say Thanks mate ...That you asked me to read this cause i would have surely missed something had i not lapped through this amazing novel.Its the most amazing and powerful novel I have ever read and it sure left an indelible mark in my mind...
The story not only made me cry but also through every page i realised how riches can turn rags one day but the only that thing remains in a man is his conscience ...sense of contentment...Money and Position are nothing but the infringements of those exploiters who ravish us everywhere in life but the true sense of love, compassion and guilt is something pure and divine above all such lowly cribs.
The story is touching and Amir and Hassan really make you feel that relations are not always about what a person is but rather what a person means to you..The price thah one has to pay for redemption is amazingly portrayed by Hosseni............
You truely pay respect to the authors class with tears in your eyes for once you turn over the last page you really feel that God Is Testing us All with the hard times..Alls well that ends well.And the Allah is kind...The magic of this book lies in the simplicity of the writing and even the feelings have been virtually painted by the author ........A must read for readers who can handle the theme for its truely not for the faint hearted.........
The story is revolutionary because it doesnt happen in many cases where the rape victim is the cause for the darkness of his torturer.
The sensitive issue of child abuse has been stripped naked once again by the author and it needs a serious thinking about.After all is man come to this low levels that the utter sexual satisfaction is ravaged out of the innocent children scaring their lives for ever...
It also shows the horrors of the Taliban rule in Afghanistan and the drawbacks of the West..
The heavenly life that one expects one would get in America is not the truth and it has been professed with ultimate conviction by Hosseni......From the elegant lifestyle of The Pathans to the slums of the Hazaras....From the enigma of the rich Muslim families to the horrors of war are all the threads that knit up this work of art....
The sensitivity of Amir's father in the book is also worth a notice and it does show that how often the preacher fails to practice...
"A lie is the greatest sin for it steals someone of his right of truth".....Yes! but did "babajan" dare to explain the true tale to his own son..Sometimes man is so helpless in front of the situation..I have said more than enough and may be I have given the plot away but all i would say is it the best book i read in this year..May be the next two months can't beat it....HAT's Off To Khaled..
"....relations are not always about what a person is but rather what a person means to you.."
This is such an excellent line.