Well all of you people know what a grandmother is and its very certain that that it is someone we all love and respect …In fact I believe that this is one of the most loved relations amongst all..
However for my case it's a bit different …Not only am I lucky in having a grand mother but also the very fact that my mom's grand mother was till last week fit and kicking….Its not actually sad that she left us all at a ripe old age of 96 but yes its true it has placed a non fill-able blank….
It was the rite of that beloved mother of all mothers…And we had all been together at the ancestral house of Ranaghat …
In the suburbs of the state this tinsel town is a tiny dot on the map but still the simplicity of the living of men and women in this place amazes me….
The house is huge with a flourishing garden consisting of all the different trees of fruits and vegetables you know of…Acres and Acres of rice filled land and a couple of ponds filled with fishes…
Cows and ducks make up the tiny family along with the two bachelor sons of this old lady…
Not that I enjoy the concept of rituals that very much specially after death….but yes its true that I really condole with all those who lost a figure of love and respect..
They say the more you live the more you loose…may be true but some people forget to mention the fact you gain a lot too..
Sons….daughters……grandsons…..great grandsons..and even great great grandsons are things some people can only dream of… but for this short dark ever smiling lady it was a dream come true…
I had seen her only a couple of times but yes I remember every visit..and the treasured memories are chiseled deep in my heart..
Anyway, after april i'll definitely keep an eye out for this blog. nice bgpic, btw...
I know that it can be really sad to lose a grandparent. I myself also am very close to my grandparents.I hate to think that one day, they will leave me after all.....