I do not quite agree to this point at all.... Its quite strange that we are trying to bind the omniscient and omnipotent into a little confinement called gender...After all its the almighty we are talking about so the question of God being a man or woman does not arise... However the femininity of God is truly defined , for any creator can be nothing other than a She...Its just obvious that The almighty has all the features in her to be Woman, a very beautiful and wise of course... The pulchritude aesthetics that's defined in those holy books cannot quite justify the set God belongs to.... However had God really been an woman , I do not quite agree that t here would have a profession(the oldest one ) of course running for so long....There would not have such exploitation and torture on the fairer sex, ever since the beginning of civilization.....It might have been that God is not biased , but I am quite sure, being the Judicial Supremacy of these Universe and being a Woman he...
"The time is out of Joint, O'cursed spite , that I was born to set it right..."