That's what KING Khan said a few days back as a general statement and somewhere its so true...Its always that way....The very word victorious signifies that you are the ONLY one at that top rung of the pyramid...alone..yet above all...but do we really want it that way..may be we do...but owing to our lacuna..we compromise..the saddist in every man seeks to epitomise his presence over all..All try it..but only few succeed..and its them we all look upto....
The very life of being a superior being is very difficult for almost the greater section of the society but there exists a gifted section well capable of it...The question now is what is the face that i want to throw light upon..to clarify its that darker side of truth that I am trying to brighten up a bit....
Every game lost is somewhere a open display of one's weakness..and frailty...yet man rises from the ashes to relive the momen of victory once agian..in any affair of life......quite amazing that something as short an simple as hope can do something as great as this...
In the life of every loser there one moment of inspiration which allows him or her to live on..>everytime when one is hurt there is one person or thing to look upto and that what I adore so much....Its a big thing to be courageous with enemies but even bigger with friends...
I do not know what I relly bank upon when saying all these...but may that "hope burns eternal in human breast" is the mantra to follow...Go For Gold.....BE vicstorious if not to the world at least to yourself...may be its a small affair to everybody...but in the end it doesn even matter as long you and your littlke heart are at peace with each other...clear from doubts and vindication...