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Showing posts from March, 2009


What bell does toll the passing of a child? A life so young so pure... unreconciled That death should grasp her now without remorse Just as her life sets sail its rocky course Come Terpsichore and sing your songs of dance And curse the evil Thanatos whose lance Strikes deep into the mourners grieving soul Rise up I pray, her life I do extol A gentle rose whose beauty graced this earth A loving soul, so caring full of mirth I beg of thee, no songs of sorrow weep But shout our hymns of praise, so all might keep Her in our hearts for e'er, for we have known A gentle rose, that God now calls his own. Tim Chambers

I Still Do Not Know

I do not Know, I still Do not know What I promised you... Still Do not know Why You deserted Me.... May Be I forgot... May It got lost in the hazy existence Yet I found The answer nowhere ! I searched for days and months... I looked in the obscure depths of my heart Mind sometimes I got no reply....... I search no more______ For it matters not.... More so to you... But To me too!!! Its Just the three words which I knew " I LOVE YOU" Just that it has been replaced "Loved" instead..... I know you not... Maybe I never did.... May Be I never Will____________

Just Another Angle....

Peripheral I

The thin line that breaches the daunting from the demented.The tiny breath that separates life from death. The tiny promise that separates a "Hero" from a "Traitor",are perhaps small things with meanings several times in magnitude. In this classification, there exists one question that is perhaps a gnawing curiosity in every heart. What is it that separates " True Friendship" from " Love", what is the basic difference between the two, or if there is any difference at all. Now I must confess that I need the help of all my readers to give me an insight on this, to portray if my belief is true or it isn't, for individualism is sometimes confined to one's experience and can sometimes be far fetched from reality. Now coming back to the topic, I must admit that we have many friends. Many people whom we care for, many a friend who truly are near to our heart, but we are surely not besotted to them. Out of my many friends, I can perhaps give only...

This One's For You

Education and Morality are not things which go hand in hand.Its not that they are mutually exclusive, but surely independent. The factual documentation of life shall elaborate on the fact that education does not provide morality. There is no Knowledge which is good or bad. There is no profession which is against human ethics. Its just how you feel, its just who you are that matters. Though Fictional approach does misguide us often. "The Niceness of The Soul ", is idiosyncratic to every individual, literate or illiterate.... In Simple Words Morality Cannot Be Imbibed, Its Either Ingrained( Which Is A Rarity In Existence) , or Invoked from One's Within..... Morality Is The Spirit, Education The Body....

The Fallacy Of Life

The very atrocious intuition that prevails is well,we are living wrong........ That's what might be turned to be the eternal truth of the contemporary society.The world today has become a hallucination ,with man stringing the weaving of his own whim and fancies................... Yes! We are living wrong .But Why ? Is it just that because the conglomeration of the homo sapeins today cannot think in the same way as did those simple man of the past or is it just that cynicism and sarcasm be so inflicting in the modern hour that simplicity is an passe. Abstract notions of the fallacy is perhaps the biggest irony for that which indeed is infatuation is the sole cause of the instigation ,May be we shall be demoralized without the self urge to seek the"greener pastures".. That's where the fallacy makes itself prominent and expressive to make a point of its prsence in the true sense of the term. Well some would applaud at it but then an applause is not what a Fallacy seeks i...

A Calm Calamity

Akriti had just failed as per his report card by 3 marks in the annuals. The corridor of his life shall not change for at least one more year. Akriti knows he is not at fault its just that he can't get those logical calculs inside his creative brain.Well Akriti can sing better than any of his counterparts he can draw a work of a impeccable professional hand are his sketches but the applause is overlapped by the ill words of the reverberating sentimental pricks or emotional reharmonization or sometimes even exuberant and intellectual lectures of putting in that bit more..... Yes! Akriti reached home that day but not breathing his creative finger lay pale and stiff by him,he had jumped from the 3rd floor Experiencing what was it to be a bird for a few seconds (how much he couldn't calculate)before embracing death.... logic was his apprehension and utopia his vision.What he did he knew was wrong but then he also knew of the calamity that awaited in his house when he would declare ...