Akriti had just failed as per his report card by 3 marks in the annuals.
The corridor of his life shall not change for at least one more year.
Akriti knows he is not at fault its just that he can't get those logical calculs inside his creative brain.Well Akriti can sing better than any of his counterparts he can draw a work of a impeccable professional hand are his sketches but the applause is overlapped by the ill words of the reverberating sentimental pricks or emotional reharmonization or sometimes even exuberant and intellectual lectures of putting in that bit more.....
Yes! Akriti reached home that day but not breathing his creative finger lay pale and stiff by him,he had jumped from the 3rd floor Experiencing what was it to be a bird for a few seconds (how much he couldn't calculate)before embracing death.... logic was his apprehension and utopia his vision.What he did he knew was wrong but then he also knew of the calamity that awaited in his house when he would declare that green booklet decorated with red rings in science and maths
Why? his mom had asked.....
"I feared the calamity" Akriti might have answered had he been therebut what this boy failed to understand was that his deed caused a even bigger calamity just that it was calm..............
u really remind me of someone...maybe that person is just not so "BRAVE"..like Akriti..