Torment... Emotional Attyachaar! Sometimes audacious, sometimes overwhelming. Sometimes ...drawing gasps of anticipation, sometimes a solemn submission to destiny. sometimes tears ,sometimes ever lasting smiles... sometimes mood swings... sometimes mushy messages.... All is fair in love and war they say... But what we are talking about is infatuation.
A Global Survey Claims that 93% of teenage relations do not mature into marriage. The story more prominent in the western world, but fast catching up are their oriental cousins.
So why, "Fall in LOVE".
The simple theory states that LOVE has evolved since the time of Adam And Eve, when it was out of necessity, to imperial age where it was a political ploy. Love has gone through several metamorphosis to finally transform into A Transitive Verb now.
Its a deed that everyone wants to commit making it even more sanct than perhaps the word itself. Now its about performance, about quantity and that is all of what, LOVE is about today.So you might ask, is this some Hate Preacher,someone Who detests the idea of love to such an extent that he is misusing and abusing the holy terminology. Well no, I must clarify that I do respect Love, but for me it's just a state of mind, rather than a verb.But since only 7% of the people believe in it the motion fails! After all its a democracy. So long live the verb and may it evolve soon into an adverb, as long as its not a conjunction... Well Who Really Cares!!!
A Global Survey Claims that 93% of teenage relations do not mature into marriage. The story more prominent in the western world, but fast catching up are their oriental cousins.
So why, "Fall in LOVE".
The simple theory states that LOVE has evolved since the time of Adam And Eve, when it was out of necessity, to imperial age where it was a political ploy. Love has gone through several metamorphosis to finally transform into A Transitive Verb now.
Its a deed that everyone wants to commit making it even more sanct than perhaps the word itself. Now its about performance, about quantity and that is all of what, LOVE is about today.So you might ask, is this some Hate Preacher,someone Who detests the idea of love to such an extent that he is misusing and abusing the holy terminology. Well no, I must clarify that I do respect Love, but for me it's just a state of mind, rather than a verb.But since only 7% of the people believe in it the motion fails! After all its a democracy. So long live the verb and may it evolve soon into an adverb, as long as its not a conjunction... Well Who Really Cares!!!