And for those who have asked did they get a reply…Well may be...
You just don't stop learning….And they say Knowledge has a Syllabus…Ha!
I have of late been too busy to blog…Project , studies…and Euro'2008 gave me little or almost no time to vent out some of my experience with you all once again….
Yesterday I met a person...A person I knew ever since I was in class 9…But yesterday I actually met HIM…The actual person and to my surprise I realized how wrong I was to try and judge him earlier…Somewhere its just a realization that we are not what we are…Sounds confusing…Well it actually is even more confusing than this…The way we project is what we believe we are…In the macrocosm is it true? Is it just confined to Us…Well I am sure Its not…
Why do we all believe that "Life's Gonna Be Good "to us always …no matter what we do..Why do we never apply the reciprocity approach to our own actions…Again may be it's not the mirror we are looking at…while thinking in those lines…
To be more pragmatic I must admit that Summer Holidays 2008 has taught me a lot…Has somewhere showed me a truer picture of what's awaiting us…not a rosy tinted…canvass…May be its too late..but again it has also taught me never to draw conclusions before the final outcome…You are liable for all you do..And the liability has to be taken by you…Either this way or that , for me I just hope it's the that that precedes the this…(it's going to be relative )
Its not about who you are that is someone's concern but rather what you are…A fact made evident by events in this week…Well I have learnt a lot…in the microcosm of my existence…but I have…
They say honesty is a pride…Well may be it is…When you are honest you have every right to feel superior…even if its just one aspect that is being looked into …However I also a darker side..A side of a graver paradox…Of pride...in dishonesty…right beside me…Sometimes in the spur of the moment you do something which you regret later..Sometimes to teach someone a lesson you break your moral portfolio..Again a realization acquired in a weeks time…I am still far from eighteen….Far from being able to decide for a Sonia Or Advani to rule us…But last week has at least taught me to rule my self…My emotions..My prejudices…All I must say that in spite of all this the several lacunas shall draw in…Shall hinder the progress…but somewhere even a reflection would be of great aid…
The human caliber is beyond human intelligence…From nadir to zenith is all our reign…Its us who are residents...of it all….And destiny well its like that extra tag to your journey…Your mode of transport…For me the destination doesn't change…May be the time does but not the result…
God Bless_____________________________
And, you're right. Time changes, time passes on but our destination never changes...