Wisps of "OFF white" French cut, to go with some dyed hair…(sometimes maroon , sometimes black) is not something that is quite inspiring…The way he talks , he walks , well nothing fascinating too…Many hate him….yet he is what he had set out to be….This article is a tribute or salute to man who has given his all to one thing..a man who in spite of his limitations has been able to overcome it all and reach a level of sheer excellence, which is perhaps unachievable by most….
May be I really do not have any right to be writing something about a stalwart as he is , yet its just a few prayers for this man…that may he have a long and happy life…He has got it all from…the tastes of success and sheer excellence to something very null and void …
I shall not say who this Phenomenon is but he surely annihilates any false sense of confidence in you…An inspiration, that I feel had just shown me a streak of light at the end of a very long and dark tunnel…and I am sure to all those who are a part of that humungous family which he leads..a brotherhood to be more precise..I end it here with a salute..and a promise..i will give it all…Not just for me…but also for this man..whom I not only love but worship..too…………….
Hope I succeed in the endeavor….God Bless…
Good way of writing a post, keeping the main fact secret...