Once or twice upon a time
In the land of Hooghly Line
was born a girl both small and heady..
..and her friends though slow but steady!
Every morning when the girl awoke,
Amidst all hurry at seven s stroke!
Began her quest so nice and good...
To get a suitor of well brood...
Great she is from dawn to dusk
Cheering, adda in every task
the only weakness-- a wobbly knee..
A bit of wine and a height to see ...
Fighting for the smallest cause__
Yet fighting just because--
A reason she does not sometimes even know
climbing up the college stairs in-case or
for skipping the matinee show!
Portrait, Gossips she gets all right___
Yet she has often the weirdest plight...
Going into a shopping spree
Boots and bags as if free...
Yet in spite of all these crazing
Rai remains to be bloody amazing --
Great yet small , a lovely being...
Ever smiling and a honest thing.
In the wake of 19 yrs...
We with you luck and loads of cheers
A promise to remain the best of friends..
for passing years... And changing trends....