This incident occurred a long time back. I need to think deeply to get the exact date which I presently consider unnecessary . This is about a confused individual. Now the question about who was confused remains a very big question, because we both thought it was the other one...
Confusing Well then bunk It!!
To get straight at the point, I need to make you realise, that there was gratitude and a dignified farewell wrapped in a perfect combo in this perfect scenario.
I shall abstain from nomenclature of the individuals under the forbearance of the privacy that I need to maintain , however each of this incidents in my life are real, and so are the conclusions that I have drawn from them, no matter how absurd they might seem.
In this case it is( read: was) a bit heart breaking, for it was simply unexpected...
In many a case there are instances where despite of the world being a small place you fail to meet your next door neighbor, while in other cases there are these oddly absurd coincidences of meeting distance acquaintances in places you would least expect them to...
In my case it was Kathleen, ya ya you heard me right KATHLEEN( Cake Shop) , Hmmm! Now you know....
Well, after a bottle of AamSutra, me and my friend happened to come across this common friend of ours or for instance let's call this friend "SHE". Now "SHE" was more confounded than Mungdungus Fletcher( Never mind Who??) , hence the meeting was as good a surprise as it could be... O wow I remember the date, 5th September 2007. See I told you long time back....
Aamsutra is still considered to a blasphemy by some purists... remember where the name came from... however this time the troubles tripled... I was virtually caught with " SHE " red handed... well Orange handed would be better, since "Slice" is of that colour, and hence I had to immediately come upon my last hope, a piece of English exercise book meant for notes in Poetry, which I carried along, and justified that was the reason of my sudden appearance in " TRESPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED AREA"...
Thankfully it was a narrow escape, however I left the copy behind, to further strengthen my claim hoping to get it back soon....
Three weeks I got back no copy, except for a phone call confirming a piece of paper with an essay on Accidents to be also found in it_____________And no sooner did the "Accidents" crop up, things started taking a sad U Turn....
You will be surprised to know that "SHE" too had supposedly written a similar essay, and claimed to have almost the same points as I did..." Great Men Think Alike"--- (Mark: I said great hence I had a sniff of doubt) but well I was not at all bothered.....
The 4th week was fabulous. The copy was returned.. Wow!! I am so lucky.. Sorry not so.. As it was returned to my friend, remember me sharing Aamsutra.. That friend did return me the copy....!!! However as we all know Interest is of two types : Simple And Compound, and in this case I got it back in the simple scheme of things...
A page to go with my copy... I shall publish in black and white!!! But I suffered a great loss...
My copy.. A small emotional out burst, very foolish indeed led me to dump that copy in a near by VAT, and consequently lazy enough not to have a copy on poetry ever again...
Now that is some loss... I lost my friend called "SHE: but that is not very significant , which I realised after passing out class 12...I wish I had my copy for company...However there is no point in complaining...... All Is Fair In Love And War.. It was Love Then.. Now It's War!!!