A walk to remember, and brood about.
It all started with a walk down the memory lane to a place which would give us, hope and glory. Google Maps guiding us ever so inaccurately, and McD being a Bitch like always, things didn't look promising.
They say its a "fuck up" if your morning wasn't the way you wanted it to be but it proved otherwise., and hence I conclude, Morning Doesn't Show The Day, your way does....
Ha ha! How lame!
Thats the whole purpose of being thus, so that no-one understands this , other than myself, for I am just musing. A friend/Bro along the journey seemed soothing despite of all the fuck ups that kept happening....Doped/Drunk Coke never woke up, and Tobacco is seriously injurious health, more so when they are all together, Jerks!
And finally, an apparel store, which is the biggest bitch of them all, STOP COMPLAINING, get a life, someone keeps telling me, when I write this, and now Irealizeit's me myself.even Paramount
You know what, it wasn't that bad either, the day had its good times too, PRESTO.... < Holas > , Srikanta Das knows how to sell his goods, but guess what, we still know better..
Without Food Station, things would have looked a dull shade of gray, but in the end it did come to the rescue, even though we missed the good old upstairs....Even PARAMOUNT ditched me... I swear, I hate my life, well no no I don't, just that my day was bad, terrible, but thanks to Shaggy, it was not the worst of them all !
And hey you there......... I will come back to haunt you in 6 yrs, SAVE YOUR JOB!!
P.S Amrita Get A Life !
It all started with a walk down the memory lane
They say its a "fuck up" if your morning wasn't the way you wanted it to be but it proved otherwise., and hence I conclude, Morning Doesn't Show The Day, your way does....
Ha ha! How lame!
Thats the whole purpose of being thus, so that no-one understands this , other than myself, for I am just musing. A friend/Bro along the journey seemed soothing despite of all the fuck ups that kept happening....Doped/Drunk Coke never woke up, and Tobacco is seriously injurious health, more so when they are all together, Jerks!
And finally, an apparel store, which is the biggest bitch of them all, STOP COMPLAINING, get a life, someone keeps telling me, when I write this, and now Irealizeit's me myself.even Paramount
You know what, it wasn't that bad either, the day had its good times too, PRESTO.... < Holas > , Srikanta Das knows how to sell his goods, but guess what, we still know better..
Without Food Station, things would have looked a dull shade of gray, but in the end it did come to the rescue, even though we missed the good old upstairs....Even PARAMOUNT ditched me... I swear, I hate my life, well no no I don't, just that my day was bad, terrible, but thanks to Shaggy, it was not the worst of them all !
And hey you there......... I will come back to haunt you in 6 yrs, SAVE YOUR JOB!!
P.S Amrita Get A Life !