The school has two canteens one officially belonging to the school and the other unofficially belonging to the school(belongs to the college actually) .The sad part of it is though is that the unofficial canteen is good enough and does not need to expressed muh about but the rather official canteen is more garbage bin rather tahn a can-teeen...................The above picture refers to the unofficial canteen which is good enough but the other canteen 's picture could not be collected due to security reasons(unable to disclose)cameras not allwed in school premises(officially).In between such official and unofficial activities ,Panditji the chief responsible of the student's stomach aches runs the canteen near the back field .The man of around 56 yrs has a beard which is even longer and streches almost upto his knee and we doubt it being the biggest lice confederacy of the city.The man and his helpers who help less and do other things more have ruined the digestive system of many boys the school.Panditji's singaras known to be deadly but yet attracts visitors from all corners of the school because of its nice and tangy taste which experts hace said is due to fermented potatoes...........Cold drinks was great till afew days back panditji started to make a new business,he desided to make his own Pandit Especial Nimbu Jal(i doubt he wud have named it pani had he not heard lamhey somewhere)>the water he got from somewhere and the people who worked all day serving food squeezed the lemons with bare hands;Panditji being a diabetic hates sugar and believes that to be true for cases however panditji's food still reains a mouth watering delicacies for all but few intelligent people.His new invention Samosa Chat Whoch is made of mashed samosas dipped in sauce made of god knows what which even experts have failed to certify as edible served at a cheap rate 6 per plate.However the unofficial canteen is pehaps too good and better than may be any other canteen in the city with its proper sitting arrangements,delicious delicacies ,and more hygenic food...........GOD BLESS THOSE TO FEED ON PANDITJI FOR BEWARE EVEN IF DONOT DIE OF THE FOOD A TUFT OF PANDITJI'S HAIR MAY BE FATAL FOR MOST AS THE MAN HIMSELF LOOKS POSIONOUS ENOUGH...................................
A Different Feel by Osibek Pal on Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 2:50pm To, Manimanjari Sengupta THIS IS NOT A TRANSLATION OR AN INTERPRETATION OF THE SONG, ITS THE ENGLISH VERSION , OF " BECHE THAKAR GAAN" ORIGINAL VERSION BY ANUPAM ROY, WRITTEN IN THE SAME THEME, HOWEVER THERE ARE SOME OBVIOUS DIFFERENCES IN THOUGHT, FOR THE SAKE OF RHYME SCHEME, LET ME KNOW HOW YOU LIKE THIS VERSION... Force me to forget a paintbrush.. And learn just light and dark.. Remember ,I wont comply... Wont Pragmatise life, if you ask... Banish me from your life's tell tale... I wouldn't complain.... But ask me to justify my love... I wouldn't , not if I am slain.. Cause, I have seen it all, known it all... Quick sand, is not just for the beaches... It has drained life, breath, blood and love, let alone petty riches.. Cause, I have seen it all, known it all, ti...