Beside a greenish field that skirts the gay
A Blooming college with unprofitable gays
There There in father's noisy mansion skilled to rule
Stands high and Yellow our school
A fathers severe he was and old and grumpy to view
HE me well and every truant knew
Well when the cane he had learned to trace
On the bad boy's ass's face
Full well well they laughed
With counterfieted glee
at the some his rotten jokes of his
for many rotten jokes had he..........
Full of music circling around
Karan Singh conveyed the dismal tidings around
Yet he was kind or severe in aught
All he needed was a cane
Which he got
The school declared how much he knew
How his grey hairs had grey grew
It was certain he could sing as well
But that is another part of the tale
In arguing too Asif owned his skill
For even vanquished he argued still
With words of learned length and sound
Amazed the intelectuals ranged around
And still they gazed at the old man
And wonder grew
How could the thin cane do all that it would do....................
A Blooming college with unprofitable gays
There There in father's noisy mansion skilled to rule
Stands high and Yellow our school
A fathers severe he was and old and grumpy to view
HE me well and every truant knew
Well when the cane he had learned to trace
On the bad boy's ass's face
Full well well they laughed
With counterfieted glee
at the some his rotten jokes of his
for many rotten jokes had he..........
Full of music circling around
Karan Singh conveyed the dismal tidings around
Yet he was kind or severe in aught
All he needed was a cane
Which he got
The school declared how much he knew
How his grey hairs had grey grew
It was certain he could sing as well
But that is another part of the tale
In arguing too Asif owned his skill
For even vanquished he argued still
With words of learned length and sound
Amazed the intelectuals ranged around
And still they gazed at the old man
And wonder grew
How could the thin cane do all that it would do....................